Yeah that talk is really too little too late.
- It focuses on parent's and children's responsibility. While educating parents and children in itself is good, they completely fail to mention what the organization does (not) do to protect children.
- The importance of children dressing modestly is mentioned. Implicit and ridiculous victim blaming. Asshats.
- It is mentioned that most child abusers are people the child knows and trusts. For JW children, that would be almost exclusively other JW! Yet the examples of 'suspect' situations make no mention of anything related to JW (such as a bro studying with someone else's child, or lone field service)
- The talk makes no mention whatsoever of the importance of alerting the police.
- The talk makes no mention of the importance of getting professional mental help for victims.
- The talk doesn't mention any of the utterly flawed and failing policies the JW have.
Imagine listening to a Catholic bishop telling his flock they should watch out for abusers (implying they'd be non-Catholic), while everyone knows that bishop just transferred an abusive priest to another parish instead of calling the police.
I'd spit on that bishop and his talk. And I spit on the Watchtower and their fucked up policies and 'it's your problem and not our fault' talk on child abuse